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21/01/2008 Plans for Saudi Arabia in 2010
Stephane Ratel, chairman of SRO, promoter of the FIA GT Championship, has recently returned from a trip to Saudi Arabia, in order to discuss a project to build a race track , on which a round of the future GT1 World Championship, planned for 2010, would be organised.
On Tuesday 8th January 2008, His Royal Highness Prince Nawaf Ben Faisal Ben Fahad Ben Abdel Aziz, Vice President of the Saudi Youth Welfare Sport Committee, received his Royal Highness Nasser Ben Abdel Aziz Ben Nasser Ben Abdel Aziz, Mr.Stephane Ratel, Chairman of SRO , Mr. Fabian Roock , Mr.Jürgen Barth , Mr.Mishaal Ben Zaraah , Mr.Fahad Ben Zaraah and Mr. Tony EL Doueihy .
His Royal Highness Prince Nawaf Ben Faisal Ben Fahad Ben Abdel Aziz welcomed his guests and the project of establishing an FIA GT Race Track in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He provided his support to this dream project with all the facilities necessary, as it is needed by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
After that His Royal Highness Prince Nawaf Ben Faisal Ben Fahad Ben Abdel Aziz wished his guests all the success and he put his capacity and that of the Saudi Youth Welfare Sport Committee so that an FIA GT Race Track should be built in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The project for the Motordrome Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to bring a form of entertainment respecting the Kingdom’s values and ethics to its fast-growing and young population, as well as to help increase the driving skills and safety awareness of Saudi drivers. As well as an FIA-homologated circuit to F1 standards, the complex would include 4WD and karting tracks, an integrated safety academy and a race engineering and mechanics school. An allied Saudi Racing training programme would take young drivers from karting, through single-seater training in Europe and Formula 3 to a National Saudi GT1 team, with a Team Riyadh to take part in the FIA GT1 World Championship.
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Eine eigene Rennstrecke und noch ein Nationalteam in der FIA GT. Die Herren Scheichs haben ja viel vor.